Weight function


I have a little problem, when i want to use a weight function to put to a marker. I first put in the AnyInputC3D class

ConstructWeightFunUsingResidualOnOff = On;

but then when put “play” it show an error like this:

ERROR(OBJ1) : C:/Doc…gs/a…6/D…p/p…o/D…S/Javi_dardos.any : C3D.Points.Markers.M008.Weight.Ts : The values in Ts must be monotonically increasing

The thing is that, I´m not using the Marker M008 yet.

What I have to do?


Hi Lincoln,

Could you upload your model(with C3D file) in the debug model section?

Also let us know which version of AMS and AMMR you are using.

Best regards,