wheelTurn-active, passive, impedance training

I am a beginner of AnyBody and recently I had some problems working on the example of the AnyBody model library. For the example of the wheelTurn I found that moment was added at the center of rotation but I didn't quite understand the purpose of this.If I want to implement active, passive and impedance training of the mannequin, how should I make a program modification?
Best regards,

Hi @Howard

The moment is the resistance that the human must overcome to turn the wheel.
If you make it bigger, the muscles will have to work more to turn the wheel.

I'm not quite sure what you mean by:

Is it some ML training you are seeking or investigation of active and passive structures in the muscles?

Best regards,

Thank you for your reply!
I mean, what does "moment" mean when it's positive, negative, or zero?
Here the so-called active, passive and impedance training are arm pushing the wheel training (no load), the wheel through the motor to apply torque to the rotating center to drive the arm training (the arm can not move by itself) and arm pushing a wheel with impedance training.

Best regards,

The moment is just a torque and the positive or negative sign indicates the direction in which it points..

Regarding the three training schemes you have, the first two are easy to model.

  1. the active is what the model does now. The torque on the wheel requires the human to produce muscle force to turn it.
  2. The passive scenario is when you put a AnyReacForce on the wheel - this will pull the arm around but not require muscle force.
  3. For the impedance scenario I'm not sure what that actually is. Is it a force working on the arm while the arm turns the wheel? or is it the torque on the wheel that changes over time?
    I probably need some more info on that to say more.

Best regards,

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