Where can I find these moments in output?

Dear Esteemed Experts,

Question 1: After performing inverse dynamics analysis using the simple lower limb MOCAP model from the AMMR database, I found the results for knee flexion moment in Main.Studies.InverseDynamicStudy.Output.BodyModel.SelectedOutput.Right.Leg.JointMomentMeasure. However, I am more interested in obtaining the knee adduction and abduction moments, which are commonly used in most biomechanics studies. These results are not available in the mentioned file. I also found some indicators that seem related to knee moments in Main.Studies.InverseDynamicStudy.Output.BodyModel.Left.Leg.MomentMeasure.AnklePlantarFlexionNetMoment, but the names seem different (e.g., KneeNetMoment).

Question 2: When exporting muscle force data, it appears that Main.Studies.InverseDynamicStudy.Output.BodyModel.SelectedOutput.Right.Leg.Muscles.MuscleForces does not include the results for all lower limb muscles. In the directory Main.Studies.InverseDynamicStudy.Output.BodyModel.Left.Leg.Mus, there seem to be more muscle force results, but each muscle is divided into many folders (e.g., SoleusMedialis1/2/3), and each folder contains a lot of data (Fm, Fout, Lm). I would like to know which specific muscle force results are generally extracted in typical studies.

I would be immensely grateful if experts familiar with these issues could spare some time to answer my questions.

Thank you very much for your assistance.

Best regards,

Hi James,

Here are some answers,

1: please have a look at Main.HumanModel.BodyModel.Right.Leg.Jnt.Knee.Constraints.Reaction.RefFrameOutput.M This represents the moments in the knee joint constraint. These numbers are in global system, so needs to be transformed to local using the "Axes" rotation matrix of the node in question in this case "Main.HumanModel.BodyModel.Right.Leg.Seg.Thigh.KneeJoint.Axes"

2: It depends on what you are looking after there is no general rule for this. The selected output is an attempt to condense output data. Typically you will look for the muscle activations in individual muscles or in muscle groups.

Best regards

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