wrapping surface penetration


I’m struggling to solve a problem of wrapping surface penetration while motion analysis.
One thing I am trying is increasing SPLine.StringMesh and another is visualizing wrapping surface to handle it.

However, some wrapping surfaces and other parameters for these surfaces are commented out in some muscles:

AnyViaPointMuscle Abductor_Pollicis_Longus ={

AnyMuscleModel &MusMdl = …MusPar.Abductor_Pollicis_Longus;
AnyRefNode &Ins = …Seg.Hand.Finger1MetaRef.I_Abductor_Pollicis_Longus;
//AnyRefNode &Via1 = …Seg.Hand.Via1_Abductor_Pollicis_Longus;

AnyRefNode &Via2 = …Seg.Radius.Via_Abductor_Pollicis_Longus;

AnyRefNode &Org = …Seg.Ulna.O_Abductor_Pollicis_Longus;

//AnySurfCylinder &Surf1 =…Seg.Hand.FlexorMuscleCyl.cyl;
// AnySurfCylinder &Surf2 =…Seg.Radius.MedialExtensorCyl.cyl;

// AnySurfCylinder &Surf2 =…Seg.Radius.RadiusMuscleCyl.cyl;
// AnySurfCylinder &Surf3 =…Seg.Ulna.UlnaMuscleCyl.cyl;
AnyDrawMuscle DrwMus = {#include “…/drawSettings/MusDrawSettings.any”};

// SPLine.StringMesh = 45;
// SPLine.RelTol=0.0000001;
// SPLine.InitWrapPosVectors = {
// {0,0,…Sign0.1}, {0,…Sign0,0}
// };

In the script above, SPLine parameters and Surf properties were commented out within your repository muscle model (Muscle.Any).
In this case, how can I approach these parameters to modify or visualize?

At the same time, I am not sure what I should do after visualizing wrapping surface actually. I thought I can dealt with other parameters for changing wrapping surface geometry such as the height of the cylinder.


Sincerely yours,
Sheen Dong-Pyoung

Hi Sheen,

in this case the surfaces are outcomented and not used. So you cannot visualize, nor edit them.
If you take one wrapping cylinder that is used, you can visualize it with following command:

AnySurfCylinder &ref1 = .MyModel.GlobalRef.CylCenter.WrapSurf; //reference to the wrapping cylinder
ref1 = {
AnyDrawParamSurf drw2 = {};
You can visualize, edit length and height also at the node, where the Cylinder is introduced:

   AnyRefNode CylCenter = {
    sRel = {0, 0, 0};
           AnySurfCylinder WrapSurf = {
             Radius = 0.15;
             Length = 0.4;
             AnyDrawParamSurf drw1 = {};

Hope that helps