I’m struggling to solve a problem of wrapping surface penetration while motion analysis.
One thing I am trying is increasing SPLine.StringMesh and another is visualizing wrapping surface to handle it.
However, some wrapping surfaces and other parameters for these surfaces are commented out in some muscles:
AnyViaPointMuscle Abductor_Pollicis_Longus ={
AnyMuscleModel &MusMdl = …MusPar.Abductor_Pollicis_Longus;
AnyRefNode &Ins = …Seg.Hand.Finger1MetaRef.I_Abductor_Pollicis_Longus;
//AnyRefNode &Via1 = …Seg.Hand.Via1_Abductor_Pollicis_Longus;
AnyRefNode &Via2 = …Seg.Radius.Via_Abductor_Pollicis_Longus;
AnyRefNode &Org = …Seg.Ulna.O_Abductor_Pollicis_Longus;
//AnySurfCylinder &Surf1 =…Seg.Hand.FlexorMuscleCyl.cyl;
// AnySurfCylinder &Surf2 =…Seg.Radius.MedialExtensorCyl.cyl;
// AnySurfCylinder &Surf2 =…Seg.Radius.RadiusMuscleCyl.cyl;
// AnySurfCylinder &Surf3 =…Seg.Ulna.UlnaMuscleCyl.cyl;
AnyDrawMuscle DrwMus = {#include “…/drawSettings/MusDrawSettings.any”};
// SPLine.StringMesh = 45;
// SPLine.RelTol=0.0000001;
// SPLine.InitWrapPosVectors = {
// {0,0,…Sign0.1}, {0,…Sign0,0}
// };
In the script above, SPLine parameters and Surf properties were commented out within your repository muscle model (Muscle.Any).
In this case, how can I approach these parameters to modify or visualize?
At the same time, I am not sure what I should do after visualizing wrapping surface actually. I thought I can dealt with other parameters for changing wrapping surface geometry such as the height of the cylinder.
Sincerely yours,
Sheen Dong-Pyoung