Change FullModel to UpperModel


I want to use the upper half of the body model.
So, I want to change GaitFullBody to Upper Body model
and analyze the upper half of the body model.

I want to analyze musle except for GaitLowerExtremityModel.

I beg your kindness


You can just modify the ‘BodyPartsSetup.any’ file to exclude legs in your human model.

Best regards,

Thank you message, mkjung9980.

I success to change it.

But, it’s model have many machine times.
So, I want to decrease machine times.

I beg your kindness.


You can adjust the ‘nStep’ value of your AnyBodyStudy class object in your model.

Best regards,

Thank you message, mkjung9980.

Sorry, I delay to send message
I want to remain present nStep.
Why is My UpperModel’s have many machine times compared to GaitLowerExtremityModel ?

I beg your kindness.


Because there are more numbers of segments, joints and muscle in the upper body than the lower body, it may take longer time.

Best regards,

Thank you message, mkjung9980.

I understand it.

But, I have other problem.
When I run inverseDynamics, have error messages.
I think my force plate data is wrong.
This is because when I run InverseDynamics by using no force data,
I don’t have error messages.

My AnyBody is AMMR1.5 and AMS5.2.

I beg your kindness.


  1. In BodyPartsSetup.any and BodyPartsSetup2.any file, please check again whether you are using the same configurations of the segments.

  2. And in the ModelSetup.any file, comment out some markers which are attached on the legs if you want to analyze only upper body.

  3. Then, try MotionAndParameterOptimization process again and try InverseDynamics again.

Best regards,

Thank you message, mkjung9980.

I challenge it.
But, I receive same error.

What should we do?

I beg your kindness.


Please upload your latest model. Without it, I don’t know what I can help for you.

Best regards,

Thank you message, mkjung9980.

I became able to run this model.
But, I receive error message, when read model.

The error message is
ERROR(OBJ.FILE1) : C:/U…s/h…9/D…p/A…V/A…5/A…n/E…s/t…r/JointsAndDriversOptimized.any : JntDriverTrunk.FileName : Problem with file : C:\Users\haselab39\Desktop\AMMRV\AMMRV1.5\Application\Examples muupper\1.1_01_02Freposi-output-euler-trunk.txt(36) : Too many values on line in data file.
ERROR(OBJ.FILE1) : C:/U…s/h…9/D…p/A…V/A…5/A…n/E…s/t…r/JointsAndDriversOptimized.any : JntDriverTrunk.FileName : Problem with file : C:\Users\haselab39\Desktop\AMMRV\AMMRV1.5\Application\Examples muupper\1.1_01_02Freposi-output-euler-trunk.txt : Too many values on multiple lines in data file.
I want to know this reason.

I beg your kindness.


I modified your model.
Please spend enough time to understand what I’ve changed for you.

Best regards,

Thank you for modifying model, mkjung9980.

I challenge to understand tmu_fixed model.
I feel truly grateful.

I change model to the only trunk model.
Though I change BodyPartsSetup2.any, I can’t run it.
What should I do?

I beg your kindness.


I sent you an email. Could you please answer it first?

Best regards,

Sorry, I send message ,now

And I have additional question.
When I use attached c3d data, receive error message.

It is ERROR(SCR.EXP4) : C:/U…s/h…9/D…p/A…V/A…5/A…n/E…s/t…r/ModelSetup (2).any : ‘/’ : Division by zero

What is this error?

I beg your kindness.


You should find what the reason of problem is first by yourself.

If you click the line of error:

    AnyFunButterworthFilter LowPassFilter = {
      FilterForwardBackwardOnOff = On;
      AutomaticInitialConditionOnOff = On;
      N = 2;
      AnyVar CutOffFrequency=12;
      AnyVar SampleFreq=.Header.VideoFrameRate* .Header.NoAnalogSamplesPer3DFrame   ;
      W = {1/(SampleFreq*0.5)*CutOffFrequency};
      Type = LowPass;

Because in the header file of your C3D file, this NoAnalogSamplesPer3DFrame value is zero. So this makes W value also zero.

Instead of using this equation for W value, you can use your own W value.

Best regards,

Thank you message, mkjung9980.

I check my c3d file.

And, my c3d file is bad.
So, I can’t use arms data.
I use upper model without arms.
I make the model has muscle of neck.
When I challenge it, I receive this message
ERROR(OBJ1) : C:/U…s/h…9/D…p/A…V/A…5/Body/A…n/B…s/G…l/BodyModel.any : BodyModel.UnhallowedCombination : Combination is not allowed: As some neck muscles are in the shoulder model, the neck model with muscles must be used with the neck part of the shoulder muscles to be complete.
Model without arm can’t has neck of muscle?

I beg your kindness.


According to the warning message , as some neck muscles are in the shoulder model, the neck model with muscles must be used with the neck part of the shoulder muscles to be complete.

So if you want to use the detail neck muscles, then you should use both arms.

Best regards,

Thank you message, mkjung9980.

I understand it.
I want to use this c3d file.

I can’t run it.
I think this is attributed to arms data.

If it is possible, I improve this model.

I beg your kindness.