Differences in model estimates of knee resultant JRFs between AMMR 2.2.3 and 2.3

Dear forum

I have recently re-run a large dataset of manual handling trials using the BVH_Xsens template in AMMR 2.3 to see how the new wrapping algorithm dealt with some muscle wrapping issues we experienced when running the same dataset in AMMR 2.2.3. The new algorithm completely resolved the issues we had experienced with the previous version of the repository, but there were some rather large differences between the datasets for the peak knee resultant joint reaction forces (from 1 to 13% across tasks). The muscle wrapping issues we experienced initially were not really related to the lower extremities, so we were surprised to see these rather large differences in model estimates. My question is whether these differences can be solely attributed to the new wrapping algorithm or are there other updates to the repository that might have influenced these results? Thanks in advance for your assistance.

Hi Sebastian

I'm glad to hear the new wrapping helped you!

Regarding the differences in knee forces you probably need to inspect the changelog of the ammr to see if any of the changes/updates affect your model.

Here is a link to the AMMR changelog bookmarked at version 2.3 but you can scroll up and find newer versions if you have a 2.3.x.

Best regards,
AnyBody Technology

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