Draw COM in fullbodymain

can i visualize COM (center of mass) during analysis in fullbody main, I am not sure where to add the draw line in the code in full body main under mocap examples, could someone guide me through this.

Hi Bharathhs,

I think the code below would do the trick
you can add it in eg. Labspecific.any file

AnyFolder ShowCoM ={
 AnyKinCoM CoMMeasure =  {
          AnyFolder& ref = Main.HumanModel.BodyModel;

AnyDrawSphere Sphere ={
Position = .CoMMeasure.Pos;

Best regards


the above code of yours works perfectly fine. and it is possible to visualize the COM sphere in the boy model. I want to also know how to get a line through the center of mass. I tried to draw a reference frame from the center of mass sphere but it doesnt move with the position of the sphere. is there a way to have a line from the COM sphere to the ground. So visually i could check the COM and COP lines overlap for a ballet dancers during turn movements.

AnyFolder Interface = {
AnyKinCoM CenterOfMass = {

  AnyFixedRefFrame GlobalRef ={
            AnyDrawRefFrame drw={
    AnyDrawSphere COM_ball ={
      Position = Main.HumanModel.BodyModel.Interface.CenterOfMass.Pos;



If you have any solution for this. It would be a great help.
thank you

Hi Bharathhs,

Sorry for the slow answer, please see the object AnyDrawLine it can draw a line between two points "p0" and "p1" i think this will be the easiest way to do this.

Best regards

thank you so much
yes it works.

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