Errors with loading recently updated Glasgow-Maastricht foot model (from GitHub)


We have downloaded the entire github repository from [] for the recently updated Glasgow-Maastricht detailed foot model.

In the gm-foot-master directory, we tried loading the LowerExtremity.main.any file in gm-foot-master\Application\Plug-in-gait_Simple - AnyBody gives us the following error message:

ERROR(SCR.SCN6) : C:/Users/vs..i/D..p/gm-foot-master/libdef.any(6) : '#ifpathexists' : Unexpected character.

If we try commenting out the following line in LowerExtremity.main.any: #include "../../libdef.any" - AnyBody gives us the following error message:

ERROR(SCR.SCN10) : C:/U..s/v..i/D..p/g..r/A..n/P..e/LowerExtremity.main.any(25) : '<ANYMOCAP_MODEL>' : Path definition does not exist.

Is there a fix? - I want to get the model to run successfully using the provided sample gait data with all the markers.

Thank you for your time.

This problem has been handled outside the forum. It turned out to be caused by an older AMS version which did not yet allow the use of "#ifpathexists" facility, this is a recent AMS feature.

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