How to find the “Force generation capacity” of the cervical spine model

Recently, I read the website “A detailed rigid-body cervical spine model based on inverse dynamics” from Mark de Zee. In the website, Mark calculated the maximal force generation capacity of the cervical spine model in all directions to validate the neck model.
My question is that: Which parameter in the calculation result is he looking at? Or which parameter in the calculation result corresponds to "force generation capacity"? How can i find it?
Many thanks for your help and your time in advance!

Hi @Shaotian

You can find a version of Marks model in the AMMR: AMMR/Application/Examples/MaxForceNeckModel
If what you need is not in the example, you are welcome to reach out to Mark at the University of Aalborg:

Best regards,

Yes, I loaded this model, AMMR/Application/Examples/MaxForceNeckModel,but I don't know which parameter should be checked in the calculation result "chart" after running InverseDynamics.Which parameter is related to "Force generation capacity"?

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