I want to modify the BackPack Model. The originally model has a left and a right strap... I want a strap diagonally across the upper body and strap around the waist.
- If I use the original right Strap and the modelled waist strap it works but the BackPack turns to the right. Why?
Code for the original right strap:
AnyKinPLine RightStrap={
AnyRefNode &ref1=.BackPack.TopStrapNodeRight;
AnyRefNode &ref2=..HumanModel.Right.ShoulderArm.Seg.Clavicula.StrapNode;
AnyRefNode &ref4=..HumanModel.Trunk.SegmentsThorax.ThoraxSeg.RightShoulderNodeFront;
AnyRefNode &ref5=.BackPack.BottomNodeRight;AnyDrawPLine strap={Thickness=0.01; RGB={1,0,0};};
- If I model a strap diagonally across the upper body there is an Error during the kinematic analysis... Why do I get that Error?
Code for the diagonally strap:
AnyKinPLine RightStrap={
AnyRefNode &ref1=.BackPack.TopStrapNodeRight;
AnyRefNode &ref2=..HumanModel.Right.ShoulderArm.Seg.Clavicula.StrapNode;
AnyRefNode &ref4=..HumanModel.Trunk.SegmentsThorax.ThoraxSeg.LeftShoulderNodeFront;
AnyRefNode &ref5=.BackPack.BottomNodeLeft;AnyDrawPLine strap={Thickness=0.01; RGB={1,0,0};};
Can somebody pls help me?
I attached the model.
Thank you in advance.