Strange clavicle position after parameters' identification

I am trying to rescale a human model using the AnyMocap framework from Mocap data of a static trial. The parameter identification, optimization and the marker tracking run smoothly. However, the output looks non-intuitive, with abnormally lifted shoulders and clavicles (see pics attached) that do not match the original posture of the subject whose c3d data is from. I tried changing the constraints in the MarkerProtocol but it did not change anything. I set the upper arm length to on so hat it can be optimized but then I have too many design variables and too few optimality conditions and I don't know which ones I could add to make parameter identification work (i.e. which constraints to add to alleviate the setting of upper arm length optimization to ON).
I am kind of a new user on the software so maybe I am missing something you could help me on to fix this problem.
Thank you in advance :slight_smile:

hi @julie and welcome to the forum!

I see your problem, and normally it can be resolved with a soft kinematic driver on the scapula-clavicular elevation degree of freedom.
It can be enabled in the ExtraDrivers.any file with:

  // By default the mannequin drivers are set as soft drivers.

  // We weigh the soft SC drivers down so it does not eliminate the elevation completely
  Main.HumanModel.DefaultMannequinDrivers.SCElevationDriverLeft.WeakDriverWeight = 0.05;
  Main.HumanModel.DefaultMannequinDrivers.SCElevationDriverRight.WeakDriverWeight = 0.05;

It could also be that you need to change the marker position of the Acromion marker. It dependent on your experimental markerprotocol.
For guidelines on how to do that and more please visit our wiki page on adjusting the mocap model.

Best regards,
AnyBody Technology

Thank you for answering. In the end it appeared that changing the MarkerProtocol file and some OptimizeAntropometricsOnOff values solved the problem.

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