The analysis sequence for Plug-in-gait_Simple model

Dear Sir,

Hope you have a nice day.

The Anybody version that I use now is 7. 1. 2. 6044 (64-bit version), and the AMMR version is v2.1.1.

Once I have used Anybody v6.0, but when first seeing the new v7.0 interface, I feel strange with it.

I met many problems when learning the new version, and need your help.

Now I want to know the correct analysis sequence for Plug-in-gait_Simple model.

Shall I run RunParameterIdentification first, then RunAnalysis (MarkerTracking + InverseDynamics) ?
And I found that if I run RunParameterIdentification first, it’s easily to meet some errors, the optimization failed.

Please help confirm the question above.
Thanks in advance.

Hi Pandariy,

Sorry about the slow response,

Yes the parameter optimization should be run first, this will optimize the size of the person to the markers etc.

There can be many reasons for it to fail, what type of motion are you trying to analyse and which maker protocol are you using?

Best regards

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