Why pasoas major is exported as a muscle attached to the pelvis segment?

When using AnyMechOutputFileForceExport with defined segment: PelvisSeg,
the Psoas Major is included in the exported results (attached)!
Anatomically this muscle is not attached to the pelvis:

Anatomically, Iliacus and Psoas Minor does.
Iliacus is included in AnyBody, but Psoas Minor is not.

If it's recommended to use AnyMechOutputFileForceExport to export all results for FEA and achieve full forces equilibrium for a specific segment, why the exported results include a force that is not anatomically attached to the segment of concern?!

Another question, as seen in the attached photo, why the result of the same force is written twice with different Pos and different values?...some muscles in the exported .txt file show duplication while the rest of the muscles do not.

Hi Ahmed

That does not seem right. Where did you get the code example for the export?

Maybe the code comes from an example where the legs are not included in model. I know that in those 'Trunk only' models the Psoas muscles insert on the pubic crest in since there is no femur bone that they can insert on. Maybe that could explain the problem.

Hi Morten

The used Model is the MocapExamples > Plug-in-gait_Simple > full body model

Hello Morten,

Any update concerning my question above?

Hi Ahmed

Sorry. I overlooked your response. I took a closer look again. I am not an expert in the FEM interface, but I think I can explain what you see.

The Psoas muscle has via-point in the pelvis segment as well as a wrapping surface representing the superior pubic ramus. So it will generate a force on the pelvis segment at these points:

Hi Morten,

thank you for the explanation.

Does this mean should I include the effect of these forces' magnitude in the FEM? even if it is not anatomically attached to the pelvis?!

Another related question (I asked it in separated two posts but got no response yet!
), I could see other forces attached anatomically to the pelvis and realised in AnyBody.
Such a force is included twice in the exported results, once it's attached to a specific node and then to another node but with the label "Via".
Does this mean the effect of such a specific force link should be considered twice at the two specified nodes?

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