I am trying to run an optimisation with the GaitLowerExtremity model. I’m running it from Matlab so have two batch files set up to run the model (one for the motion and parameter optimisation and one for the inverse dynamics) by running macros. Unfortunately when the second macro gets to the last command I get the following message:
“Warning : exit : has no effect for macro running from GUI.”
The exit command works fine in the first macro and the rest of the second macro works fine. The batch files and macros look like this:
First batch file:
REM run AnyBody console
cd “C:\Program Files\AnyBody Technology\AnyBody.5.0”
AnyBodyCon.exe /m “runMoOpt.anymcr” /d “C:\Users…\Examples\NoSad Standard NewTMod”
cd “C:\Users…\Examples\NoSad Standard NewTMod”
REM end of program
First macro:
load “GaitLowerExtremity.main.any”
operation Main.MotionAndParameterOptimizationSequence
Second batch file:
REM run AnyBody console
cd “C:\Program Files\AnyBody Technology\AnyBody.5.0”
AnyBodyCon.exe /m “runInverseMo.anymcr” /d “C:\Users…\Examples\NoSad Standard NewTMod”
cd “C:\Users…\Examples\NoSad Standard NewTMod”
REM end of program
Second macro:
load “GaitLowerExtremity.main.any”
operation Main.InverseDynamicAnalysisSequence
Any ideas on what might be causing the error? What I can do to fix it?
Edit: I’m using AnyBody v 5.0 and AMMRV1.1
Edit 2: I’ve tried using AnyBody v 5.1 and it still crashes during the second macro though it doesn’t get to the same exit error. Instead it crashes after it finishes the inverse dynamic analyis. The line of asterisk’s appears but then nothing happens.