Markers on the Plug-in-gait_Simple model


When I use some C3D files with different positions and names of markers(not like the plug-in markers), is it possible that I change the anymarker.any to create some new markers or change the names of them to simulate the gait analysis?

Thank you!

I am using the data from the Sixth Grand Challenge Competition to predict in vivo knee loads, the markers of C3D files are not like the ones of the gait-in model. Here it is the question.

Hi Nickel_Lee,

Yes this is possible you will need to change this in the Marker.any file in the Mocap model.

Typically many of the markers may already be in the current file, but possibly with a different name, so the easiest way is to find a maker which is already placed correctly and just rename it.

Please also see this link

Best regards


Thank you for your response. I’ll try to do it.
Thanks again.

Best regards

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