์Node reference implant

Hello everyone
I am having trouble locating the implant that I imported. My implant is not positioned close to the model (pictured). I would like to know how to position it and how to reference the node for the implant.

Hi Pasawee,

As you add an implant into your model, you would also need to provide some joints or drivers to locate the node implant in the model. The easiest way would be to define an AnyStdJoint. For this you would need a reference frame on the human model and a reference frame on the implant.

Have you used the SolidWorks exporter for importing the implant? If so, then you can create a reference frame on the implant in SolidWorks (please use Reference Geometry -> Coordinate System to ensure that the orientation of the reference frame is correctly exported).

While you are working with the SolidWorks model, please also check where is the Origin of the CAD model with respect to the implant. Normally, when you load the model, the origin of the CAD model will be placed at the origin (global ref) of the AnyBody model. This could be the reason why the implant is located so far from the human model.

Best regards,

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To Dave .
Thank you very much.
Your answer is very important to my work.

From the image it also looks like your implant has centimeters/milimeters as units while AMS uses meters. Maybe check if you need to convert your implant units

Best regards,

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