Problem running parameter optimization

Hello again,
I am having problem running parameter optimization with my c3d file. I have tried most of the settings to get the model to complete parameter optimization, this is my last model to finish my master thesis it would be nice if some one could help me out with my problem.
the problem is some kind of positional analysis is not met. and this happens 20 min into the optimization process. the model works complete fine without optimization, meaning . it completes marker tracking and inverse dynamics.

Anybody file:

AMMR-Applications-Mocap examples- plug in gait simple - fullbody main

Hi Bharathhs,

I have tried a couple of things without success, now i have a couple of questions.

Did the parameter optimization setup work for other trials same subject?
if yes have you considered to reuse the optimized parameters from the other trials for this one?

Is it correct that the C7 maker is placed 6cm to the right side?

Best regards

yes, the parameter optimization worked for other trails. it is the same marker protocol which i had a problem with shank and thigh segments lengths being out of length.

did you mean the C7 marker in this current model ? yes thats right !
No i havent try to use the optimized paramters from the previous trails. How do i do it , are the parameters from the output files, which i need to copy paste into my current model ?

and yes the C7 marker is a bit displaced in this trail, i am not sure how, but it is the same dancer that i am trying to model. each dancer has 4 trails (dance movements).

is it possible to know, which marker is causing the positional analysis error ?.


I have not succeeded to cure the parameter study of this trial.
I suspect it is related possibly to the motion somehow which it is rather demanding.

Nevertheless i think the right solution is to load the parameter optimization for one trial for each subject provided markers was not moved in between trials, this is how it is done in the multi-trial mocap example.

In the trialspecific file add a statement like e.g. this
LoadParametersFrom = {"S2_StandingRef"};

Then just run RunAnalysis it will try to load the specified file.

Best regards

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In the trialspecific file add a statement like e.g. this
LoadParametersFrom = {"S2_StandingRef"};

but this line does it only work if i am using multi-trail mocap main file, under mocap examples ?.
i have a seperate AMMR file for each trail though it is from the same subject.
how does it work than ?

okay i think i get it now.
i need to replace my file name intead of standing ref!
thank will try it out.

yes you need to write the name of the trial which you have optimized parameters for.

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