Total muscle force in case of different force profile

Hi, I'm studying about the squat example of AMMR repository, when I run inverse dynamics, I've got muscle force as output. As I look through the question in the main forum about total muscle force, the moderator suggests that we should sum all the parts of muscle (ex. the total muscle force of soleus medialis is the sum of 3 pieces) Here're my questions

  1. There's some muscles which force profile of each piece is totally different ( ex. Rectusfemoris 1 and 2 ).

So should I calculate the total force using the sum method? The reason that I ask is because I want to compare the muscle force with the EMG signal
2. Since each piece of muscle has a different angle when connect with bone or joint, should we consider the total muscle force by summing the force vector?

Thank you very much

Hi @Tum

Summation is one way, but I would probably take the max value of the active branches.
I think that is more representing of what the muscle is actually doing.
You can also consider looking at the .Activity parameter instead for the .Fm but that is up to you.

Best regards

Hi Bjørn,

thanks for your answer. But it was unfortunately unclear. Additionally to the comparison with EMG-Signals, I want to know the resulting force acting by each muscle. Is it right to understand each muscle's output as something like a load distribution along with each modeled muscle's fiber? Like Soleus Lateralis 1 2 and 3? Or this there any direct method of reading out the muscle force?


Regarding your advice on active branches. So you mean, those with maximum values at each specific time? For example, the above Rectus Femoris, which is the result of your squat example in AMMR. Both Elements were active but at different times. So we would need to combine both 2 forces like an envelope of muscle forces?

Thanks in advance for your assistant!

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