Unable to run MoCapModel

I need to use the MoCapModel in AnyBody to run a lifting task simulation, but unfortunately I have encountered a couple of problems.

The motion capture data was captured using Xsens. In the Marker input folder I defined the markers by following the instructions, but when I run the full body model there is an error of an unexpected character “)”. If I remove the bracket another error occurs of another unexpected character.

Below is how I have defined a marker and the bracket after sRelOptScalingOnOff=“On” is where the error occurs. As you can see a bracket needs to be in place in this position.

CreateMarkerDriver RCSI (

) = {
sRelOpt = {5.0e-002,2.75e-002, 0.1};

Also, if I do not have force plate data for this specific trial, what information do insert or remove from the ForcePlate folder?


Which version of AMS and AMMR are you using for this model?

Best regards,

Hi Moonki

I am using Anybody 6.0. The file just AMMR. How do I check the version?


Hi Kirsten,

Attached please find a modified version of your model.

I could manage to fix the errors which you could see in the loading process of the model.

But you should define the marker locations in the human model much better to make this working.

Also it does not seem that you have defined the markers in the arms.

Regarding ground reaction force, let’s discuss later after you can solve the MotionAndParameterOptimization process first.

Best regards,

Hi Moonki

Thank you for your help so far!

What do you mean by ‘you should define the marker locations in the human model much better to make this working’? How have I defined them incorrectly and what must I do to improve it?

Is this why I am now getting this error?

Loading Settings Script from : 'C:\Users\kirsten.huysamen\AppData\Local\AnyBody Technology\AnyBody.6.0.x\Settings.anyst
Settings Loaded
Loading Main : “C:\Users\kirsten.huysamen\Documents\Anybody technology\Frank 011\Frank011\Frank011\MoCapModel\MoCap_FullBody.main.any”
Constructing model tree…
[SIZE=1]ERROR(SCR.PRS9)[/SIZE] : [SIZE=1]C:/U…s/k…n/D…s/A…y/F…1/F…1/F…1/M…l/M…l/Mannequin.any(6)[/SIZE] : ‘PosInterpol’ : Unresolved object
Model loading skipped


Hi Kirsten,

Regarding marker locations, for instance if you can see the marker locations for knee joints, your definition does not look so well.

I tried to load your model in AMMR V1.6 using AMS V6.0.3.

And it does not seem that you have defined all your markers for upper body including arms.

So you can try with ‘MoCap_LowerBody.main.any’ file first to see how it works.

Best regards,

Hi Moonki

I will try and redefine them and then get back to you with the next step.

Thanks Kirsten

Hi Moonki

I redefined the markers and am now getting this error:

ERROR(SCR.PRS9) : C:/U…s/k…n/D…s/A…y/A…o/A…n/E…s/M…l/M…l/Mannequin.any(6) : ‘PosInterpol’ : Unresolved object
Model loading skipped

What is causing this error? Have a defined the markers incorrectly?


Hi Kirsten,

You can see that error usually when you try to use the marker class template with wrong marker name which does not exist in your C3D file.

Best regards,

Hi Moonki

I just realized that and have changed the marker name.

I have run the model and it seems the error that now appears with regards to the force plates:

Constructing model tree…
ERROR(SCR.PRS9) : C:/U…s/k…n/D…s/A…y/F…1/A…n/E…s/M…l/I…t/ForcePlates.any(17) : Defined at : C:/U…s/k…n/D…s/A…y/F…1/Body/A…n/T…x/M…p/ForcePlateType4AutoDetection.any(15) : ‘CORNERS’ : Unresolved object
Model loading skipped

I presume this error occurs as I do not have force plate data. What information must I insert to avoid this?


Hi Kirsten,

Because you are using the C3D file from XSens which does not include the force plate data, you should comment out the code which uses the force plate class template in the Environment.

Best regards,

Hi Moonki

Thanks so much for your help so far. I really appreciate it. I eventually was able to load the model and run analysis but unfortunately it failed. All constraints exceeded tolerant limits and from the graphic it is clear that none of the markers are not attached to the body. Please can you tell me what I have done wrong and what I should adapt or change.

Just so you know, this is what I have done since the last message:

I took out the following wording out of the environment file -->
//#define HumanModelPresent 1
//#include “…/Input/ForcePlates.any”
//#undef HumanModelPresent

Also I was presented with this error:
ERROR(SCR.EXP4) : C:/U…s/h…9/D…p/A…V/A…5/A…n/E…s/t…r/ModelSetup (2).any : ‘/’ : Division by zero

and adapted the C3D setting file by changing the sample frequency heading to SampleFreq= .Header.VideoFrameRate


Hi Kirsten,

    AnyFunButterworthFilter LowPassFilter = {
      FilterForwardBackwardOnOff = On;
      AutomaticInitialConditionOnOff = On;
      N = 2;
      AnyVar CutOffFrequency=12;
      //AnyVar SampleFreq=.Header.VideoFrameRate* .Header.NoAnalogSamplesPer3DFrame   ;
      AnyVar SampleFreq= .Header.VideoFrameRate;
      W = {1/(SampleFreq*0.5)*CutOffFrequency};
      Type = LowPass;

Because it seems that your C3D file(from XSens) does not have ‘NoAnalogSamplesPer3DFrame’ value so AnyBody will complain if you use the original code.

And as we know, the piece of code is the filter for analog data(force plate data) so it will not do any effect on the markers.

So you can neglect this part. Just go ahead for finishing the motion and parameter optimization process.

If you can finish that process then you should think about how you can implement the ground reaction force prediction.

Of course it will be better if you can model the target of the lifting.
It would give you better result for upper body values such as lumbar spinal joint forces.

Best regards,

Hi Moonki

Sorry to bother you again! I unfortunately keep running into problems which is probably due to the fact that this is the first time I am running the mocap model and I do not have anyone here who has experience with AnyBody Technology. Been a bit of a challenge for me :frowning: So thanks for all the help so far! I really appreciate it! By the way, when I do my own testing force plates will be used. This is so I can become more familiar with the mocap model and AnyBody Technology.

So I have run the model and unfortunately the kinematic analysis failed! It states that the constraints are above error tolerance. What is the problem here and how do I go about fixing this issue?

I tried changing data such as starting position and switching y/z axis etc but unfortunately have not been able to solve the problem by myself.
